OCAGC‘s OCA Image TV was awarded the 2012 Pixie Gold Award, an award to honor and recognized outstanding work in the fastest-growing area of the moving pixels industry on Motion Graphics, Effects, and Animations for TV, Web, Media or Films.


OCA Cleveland Chapter is the recipient of
Cleveland Foundation’s City of Cleveland’s Cable Television Minority Arts and Education Fund (MAEF) to help fund
OCA Image TV
for it’s 4th Season!

China – Hong Kong – India – Indonesia
Japan – Korea – Laos – Philippines
Singapore – Sri Lanka – Taiwan
Thailand – Vietnam

“Success is the result of steadily taking action on our most important goals.
When we consistently focus our energies and our efforts upon what matters most, we can’t help but be successful”.

IMAGE TV OHIO is a self-sustain High energy Television Magazine Show with a focus on Asian-American culture, traditions, customs and their influences. The show includes 30 minutes of programming provides a better understanding of the various Asian cultures in Northeast Ohio. Each episode will includes segments on a variety of topics related to education, culture, traditions, food, health and beauty, fashion, sports, arts and entertainment, news, and current issues as well as upcoming events.

IMAGE TV OHIO covers topics of interest to Asian Pacific Americans in Northeast Ohio and surrounding areas and will include cultures from China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

IMAGE TV OHIO is shot on High Definition in Downtown AsiaTown Neighborhood in Cleveland. Our season includes 10 – thirty minute episodes each year. Commercial spots up to 8 minutes per episode and sponsorship packages (main underwriter, segment sponsor, product placement, product feature/demonstration) are available.

Each IMAGE TV OHIO episode will also be available online for viewing at numerous websites through one web link or embedded video (excluding Commercials). Sponsors are encouraged to have the show linked at their website as well.


OCA Cleveland Chapter has commissioned Media Design Imaging – a post production facility located in downtown Cleveland along with the participation of OCA Cleveland Chapter’s members to help with show production and marketing.

OCA Image TV is funded by the support of Neighborhood Connections, OCA National,  OCA Columbus, Creative House Studios, Inc., MetroMix.com, Media Design Imaging, International Community Council, Steam of Music LLC, Randy Wagner, MotivAsians for Cleveland, Anthony Yen, Margaret W. Wong, Asian Services in Action, Inc., Erie Chinese Journal Newspaper, St. Clair-Superior Development Corp., City of Cleveland Ward 8 Councilman Jeffrey Johnson, City of Cleveland Ward 3 Councilman Joe Cimperman, City of Cleveland Community Relations Department, The Vietnamese Community in Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Chapter Japanese American Citizens League, Koko Bakery and Li Wah Chinese Restaurant.

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