Mid Autumn Festival Saturday, September 26 from 2-5 p.m.

Join us this Saturday, September 26 for the AsiaTown Mid Autumn Festival from 2 to 5 p.m. This year, the celebration will look very different with grab and go activities and walk-thru stations.
🧡 Complete your 2020 Census!
🏮Mid Autumn festival story coloring pages and riddles
🌕 voter registration help and election info.
💌 make your own Love Letter to AsiaTown (free art inspiration kits from Upcycle Parts Shop)
💙 storytelling exchange guides
💜 free giveaways
💕 free mooncakes from Koko Bakery! 🥮
Masks required. Stay 6 feet apart at all times.
The Mid Autumn Festival, or Moon Day, is a popular pan-Asian holiday that traditionally celebrates the harvest moon (the largest full moon of the year) and the legend of the goddess, Chang’e. Families typically travel home for a family meal, eat mooncakes together, and watch the moon. This celebration will be a walk or bike-thru event with takeaway activities to-go!

Connect with the Facebook event HERE.