AsiaTown Community Meeting – Tuesday, February 25, 2025

New Date for Community Meeting – February 25 重要通知:社区会议新日期 – 2月25日 Updates on Formal Dave’s site development 前Dave’s Market项目进展

MidTown CDC received word from OHFA (the Ohio Finance Agency) in late December 2024 that the NRP Group was invited to submit a final application for low-income tax credits for its proposed development of the former Dave’s Market into 120 below-market-rate apartments with one first-floor retail space on the North side of Payne Ave. Final applications are due March 13th, and final awards will be announced on June 30th. This means that the project is moving forward, and we anticipate a full award forthcoming.

We have recently met with the NRP Group team, and they are eager to get in front of the AsiaTown community to discuss the next steps in the process as well as hear some of your feedback and questions. We are planning to have three meetings over the course of the next 6 months, the first of which will take place on February 25th at 5:30 p.m.

View the news story from Cleveland 5 News HERE:

Cleveland’s Asiatown weighs a big change, with 120 apartments set for old Dave’s site