OCA Greater Cleveland helped host an AsiaTown Community Pre-Meeting on November 13 that gathered 78 attendees, mostly elderly from the neighborhood, to discuss concerns about MetroHealth closing the “Asia Town Health Center” that has been in Asia Plaza for 22 years. MetroHealth plans to relocate services away from the community at the end of November. OCA along with other neighborhood leaders organized the pre-meeting to ensure that the concerns of the community are voiced and understood prior to the meeting with MetroHealth representatives next Thursday Nov. 20 at 4:00 at Li WAH Restaurant at Asia Plaza. Many impassioned concerns were voiced. The majority of senior citizen attendees use the current Health Center and are anxious about the ease of access, and significant language, and transportation barriers for their many healthcare needs. Thank you to Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Yvonne Conwell for being engaged with our community to understand the many views expressed. Also attending were representatives from the City of Cleveland Community Relations Board, St Clair Superior Development Corporation, Asia Plaza, and (ASIA) Asian Services In Action. Thank you to Li Wah for providing a post-meeting dinner so that the discussions could continue. Thank you to Cleveland Chinese Christian Church – Midtown for hosting the meeting. OCA Cleveland Board members supporting the meeting: President Lisa Wong, VP Wayne Wong, and VP Deborah Yue. This is an important issue for AsiaTown, please come to the next meeting on Nov. 20 if interested in learning more.