OCA Image TV receives OCA’s 2010 Chapter Excellence Award for Communications

Cleveland’s OCA Image TV Ohio receives
OCA’s 2010 Chapter Excellence Award for Communications

Cleveland, OH: The Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA), announced Saturday, June 19 that Cleveland’s  OCA Image TV has received OCA’s 2010 Chapter Excellence Award for Communications.

OCA, a national organization dedicated to advancing the social, political and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans, has over 84 chapters and affiliates across the United States. This year at the annual OCA National Convention held in Houston, TX, Chapter Excellence Awards were presented for the categories of membership, economic development, programs & projects, local community involvement, advocacy, and communications.

Watch the acceptance speech video: (IOS users click here):


OCA Image TV also was nominated for Program and Projects Category but we didn’t win,
however, here’s our prepared acceptance video: (IOS users click here)