Nonpartisan Voter Education Overview and a detailed review of the 11-8-2022 ballot in Chinese and English to assist the Limited English Proficient elders in Asian Evergreen residents, AsiaTown, and the Greater Cleveland area.
Optional discussions:
1). Overview of Government Structure, Political Parties & Redistricting.
2.) US Senate & US House of Representatives, Terms & Candidates.
3.) State Offices – Explain Job Function, Candidates, and Issues 1 & 2, Governor/ Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Auditor, Secretary of State, Treasurer.
4.) Ohio Supreme Court and 8th District Court of Appeals: Explain Function and Candidates.
5.) Cuyahoga County Executive, County Council Representative and Court of Common Pleas Candidates, Levy Issues: Explain Function & Candidates.
6.) Instructions for completion of a sample or official ballot and return to the Board of Elections.